Thursday, January 17, 2008


It snowed a bit last night. I knew that it was supposed to be raining by the time we got up this morning, so when Julianna woke up at about 2:00 am, I took her outside to see it. I know I'm nuts, but I didn't want her to miss it. Then after getting her nice and awake, I handed her off to Ryan and went on to bed! Actually, Ryan said she wasn't too amped up and went back to bed pretty easily. Anyway, here are a few pictures from this morning.


Ryan snapped this at 2:00am

1 comment:

Guatemama said...

SNOW! Awesome. I think that is great that you took Julianna out at 2:00am so she would see it. You are such a great MOM. I wish I lived there. Snow is almost a daily thing here right now. I love seeing your pictures.